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The problem of slow Google Chrome browser 4 tips to overcome it


The problem of slow Google Chrome browser 4 tips to overcome it
Google Chrome

The problem of slow Google Chrome browser 4 tips to overcome it

Google Chrome is described as one of the fastest browsers, although some may encounter problems suddenly appearing such as very slow loading.

In the event that this problem appears, experts put 4 tips to overcome it, according to the aitnews website, which are as follows.

internet speed

To make sure that there is no problem with the computer, you can run other browsers, and if you notice that they are working fine, the problem is likely with the Google browser itself or the Internet connection.

To solve this, run other web browsers in any other device connected to the same Internet, and if you see the same slow problem, this means that there is a problem with the Internet connection.

Hardware Acceleration Feature

When hardware acceleration is turned on, high-processing tasks such as playing video games use the GPU to reduce the workload on the CPU.

As a result, the CPU can run basic tasks while the GPU handles the high processing demands.

Although this improves CPU performance in most cases. However, it may also slow down Google Chrome browser and drain the battery faster.


Clearing the cache and browsing history speeds up the performance of the Google Chrome browser because the accumulation of temporary browsing information over time contributes to reducing the performance of the browser.

To do this, follow these steps:

Open Google Chrome browser and click on the three dots on the top right of the screen.

From the menu that appears, select the Settings option.

Under the Privacy and Security section, tap on the Delete browsing data option.

The basic option allows you to delete data directly without customizing it.


Usually, you need to have many tabs open in Google Chrome browser at once in order to search online or check different sources for a task.

This consumes system resources and slows down the browser. Unused tabs should be closed to improve browser performance and save device battery life at the same time.